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Having only been an amateur cartoonist for only six years, I'm hoping that this blog will merely get my work out into the world.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I have not made a comic for the day. Sorry, that's just the way it goes. I was busy making a project for my Spanish class. I am still at half-of-a-year experience in Spanish, so nothing I say makes sense even the slightest. I might post it on here anyway. Probably not, though.

The best I can do today is offer a dollop of wisdom that so flows forth from my brain.

It is said very frequently by those considered wise that a picture is worth a thousand words. I combine words and pictures in an entertaining blend of my inner workings and thoughts. If a picture is worth a thousand words, it means nothing if the words themselves mean nil. For instance, if somebody were to tell you that if you jumped off of a cliff with no protective gear, that you are likely to survive, you would consider them crazy, and thus, a picture of it would share in its worthlessness.

I have been thinking again. Most of what I say on here has no worth. It is merely my attempt at expressing my inner self in a way that I need not be self-conscious. It has significant worth to me, but not much to you. If  I were to tell you that in reading this that you are wasting your time, you would believe me. Thus if I drew a picture of it, it could tell what I can not express in the writing that I've already done here.

The gaping hole in the theory is that pictures take longer to develop and perfect than writing. Not that I care to perfect either of them...

This has been a dollop of wisdom by Glen Henry, who approves this message in spite of the hoards of people who do not approve it. Welcome to the hoard!

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