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Having only been an amateur cartoonist for only six years, I'm hoping that this blog will merely get my work out into the world.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I have always been told that in writing you have a target audience. It is needless to say for cartooning that there is no particular target audience. We target everybody!

I have only just realize how creepy that sounds. It makes cartoonists sound like assassins or something. Some writers target children. Others target adolescents. Some target adults and senior citizens. But not cartoonists... CARTOONISTS TARGET EVERYBODY!

See? Just imagine that last part with a deep, gravely voice. Notice, I said deep and gravELy, not deep and gravy.... Hold on, I have to run with that.

The words that profusely leaked out of the horrid king's mouth were deep and had gravy-like properties. They were thick and creamy and went great with potatoes.

That could work in a novel, don't you think? I'm not going to write a book with that in it. I don't want to look stupid...er than usual. You can't use it either. That's my line. Okay, you can use it as long as you give me the rights to it.

This has been a dollop of wisdom that has had gravy-like properties.

1 comment:

  1. :D I just might steal the king's "deep and gravy-like" words . . . LOVE YOU, GARRETT!!
