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Having only been an amateur cartoonist for only six years, I'm hoping that this blog will merely get my work out into the world.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I have always been told that in writing you have a target audience. It is needless to say for cartooning that there is no particular target audience. We target everybody!

I have only just realize how creepy that sounds. It makes cartoonists sound like assassins or something. Some writers target children. Others target adolescents. Some target adults and senior citizens. But not cartoonists... CARTOONISTS TARGET EVERYBODY!

See? Just imagine that last part with a deep, gravely voice. Notice, I said deep and gravELy, not deep and gravy.... Hold on, I have to run with that.

The words that profusely leaked out of the horrid king's mouth were deep and had gravy-like properties. They were thick and creamy and went great with potatoes.

That could work in a novel, don't you think? I'm not going to write a book with that in it. I don't want to look stupid...er than usual. You can't use it either. That's my line. Okay, you can use it as long as you give me the rights to it.

This has been a dollop of wisdom that has had gravy-like properties.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I have not made a comic for the day. Sorry, that's just the way it goes. I was busy making a project for my Spanish class. I am still at half-of-a-year experience in Spanish, so nothing I say makes sense even the slightest. I might post it on here anyway. Probably not, though.

The best I can do today is offer a dollop of wisdom that so flows forth from my brain.

It is said very frequently by those considered wise that a picture is worth a thousand words. I combine words and pictures in an entertaining blend of my inner workings and thoughts. If a picture is worth a thousand words, it means nothing if the words themselves mean nil. For instance, if somebody were to tell you that if you jumped off of a cliff with no protective gear, that you are likely to survive, you would consider them crazy, and thus, a picture of it would share in its worthlessness.

I have been thinking again. Most of what I say on here has no worth. It is merely my attempt at expressing my inner self in a way that I need not be self-conscious. It has significant worth to me, but not much to you. If  I were to tell you that in reading this that you are wasting your time, you would believe me. Thus if I drew a picture of it, it could tell what I can not express in the writing that I've already done here.

The gaping hole in the theory is that pictures take longer to develop and perfect than writing. Not that I care to perfect either of them...

This has been a dollop of wisdom by Glen Henry, who approves this message in spite of the hoards of people who do not approve it. Welcome to the hoard!
I get a lot of page views from different countries. Places like the UK might enjoy this, because I know that they can speak English, but I have the same amount of views as the UK by Germany. I wonder if it's just one person who can speak English going on multiple times. I get views from Russia, France, South Korea, Netherlands, Colombia, and more. It's really interesting to me. Maybe they just log on, see that it's in English, and log off.

Ich benutzte einen Übersetzer für diese, so wird es wahrscheinlich falsch sein.

Ich bekomme eine Menge von Seitenaufrufen aus verschiedenen Ländern. Orte wie das Vereinigte Königreich genießen könnten diese, weil ich weiß, dass sie Englisch sprechen, aber ich habe die gleiche Menge von Ansichten, wie Großbritannien von Deutschland. Ich frage mich, wenn es nur eine Person, die Englisch sprechen kann los mehrfach. Ich bekomme Ansichten aus Russland, Frankreich, Südkorea, den Niederlanden, Kolumbien, und vieles mehr. Es ist wirklich interessant für mich. Vielleicht sind sie einfach anmelden, sehen, dass es in Englisch ist, und sich abzumelden.

Maybe that will help. I used a translator, though, and everybody knows that it doesn't work that well for big phrases. Maybe I should put it in Russian, France and other languages. I'm not going to, though, Germany has the most views of foreign languages. Does anybody speak German and English?

Monday, December 10, 2012

It's that time of day again. I have posted ANOTHER comic today. It's in the Penguin Joe page. In case you haven't found out yet, the different pages are at the top. Just above the fish. Yes. Right there.

Another masterpiece by the Glen Henry. The real Glen Henry. That took me a good five minutes to make, so go back and read that until it takes you five minutes at the least. Now.

Did you go back? PLEASE go back. If you still haven't gone back, you are impassable. Like a wall of steel! Well, I guess that could be a good thing... No, you are like a big wall of generic spam. If that doesn't insult you, nothing will. Unless you like spam. I have no greater insult that could even equal that.

I'm sorry, that was out of line. I'm sorry. Just for that, you don't have to go back and read the arrow for five minutes. You are reprieved. I think you wasted enough time reading this.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Okay, I got another comic on today. This one is in the Penguin Joe page as well, so go check it out. I have no other dollops of genius to offer today, so make use of what I have already provided. And yes, genius often comes in the form of dollops.
I'm going to work on another comic today, but it probably won't be on the blog until later. For details, you need to see the post under this one. The one with the T-square.

I think I've figured something out. Something that is more or less important. Well, to tell you the truth, it may not be important to you at all. That's life. If you don't like it, don't read it. I've found out that creativity is like getting energy out that is stored up. Drawing, writing, speaking in public... All of those things release creativity. Then there are things that build up creativity, like listening to somebody speak, reading, watching videos or movies, even going on "socialnetworkingsiteslikeFacebookorTwitter". I think everybody should take at least thirty minutes a day releasing creativity, since it is natural to build up creativity, and slightly less natural to release it. Sound good? I thought so. Or did you say no? Save yourself the trouble, just say yes.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Good news, I think I may finally be using a T-square to get the panels for my comic to be good. Well, better than usual. If you have no idea what a T-square is, I think I'm going to try and find a picture and post it below this text
There you go. As a matter of fact, I have this same exact one! Not too bad. They can help get straight lines, straight angles, or to measure.