About Me

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Having only been an amateur cartoonist for only six years, I'm hoping that this blog will merely get my work out into the world.

Friday, November 6, 2015

I bet you thought every pinata has it easy, you ignorant bigot.

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Seriously, Archmage, I looked there like twelve times.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


There comes a time in the career of every person where they hit a low spot. A dry area of practice, if you will. I have recently struck mine and am just pulling out of it. It may seem to those who have visited before that nothing has changed, and for the most part, that would be true. Perhaps a few more pictures, more posts... nothing serious. Inspiration has struck! Only recently is that so and from now on you can expect that there will be more entertainment. I've started on a rather large project that I plan to give you guys a small preview to soon, I just have to figure out a few more of the technicalities. Look forward to it. This is inspiration like the sizzling of bacon, by which only true inspiration is comparable.

Monday, January 19, 2015

Post This Drawing, I Must.

What can one say about Yoda? He was a great mentor and a warrior. He fought bravely in the clone wars, trained many padawans (some of which turned to the dark side, but let's not focus on that part), and most perhaps most importantly, offered great wisdom that comes from nine-hundred-ish years of being whatever he is. That's a lot to get done for some guy who was a puppet turned into a computer-generated-image. May he rest in peace and may the force be with you always.

And a War Turtle

It is my deepest, most heart-felt belief that someday the science to give us gigantic animals will someday be made available to us. Personally, I hold on to the hope that one day I will have enough funds to purchase one of these magnificent creatures, particularly one of the reptilian brand with a large shell. Sure it would move slowly, but on the other hand, it's a giant turtle. Now the only problem will be the salmonella. Oh well.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

All right, a new drawing is in the "Drawings to get it simply" tab. Please enjoy!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

I am currently working a new picture to put on the blog. Be on the lookout! I will be announcing when it is on soon!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

I have been plagued with technical difficulties for a long while, and thusly haven't been able to get comics online... I have a new one ready in the Penguin Joe section.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

I made this with construction paper, a glue stick, and an "X-acto Knife". Special thanks to Edie Boren for the fabulous new printer/scanner that makes this possible.